Thursday, February 19, 2009

First Star on the Right

This isn't the best vocal performance I've ever done, for sure, but after being sick last week, and still sick this week. I decided to video post based on the good response I got from the words posted last week. For those of you who did not read last week's entry, I wrote this song for one of my favorite shows: 'Lost.' I kept the vocals and guitar strum in the verse softer and more dreamy, than I usually do, this helps contrast the chorus and speaks to the mysterious elements of the show as well.



  1. Knowing my musical taste, you know I love the music to this song! Beautiful :)

  2. Just wanted to stop by and say you did an AMAZING job Saturday night. :) Can't wait to come to another one of your shows.

  3. I love it. Lost is such a good show!
