Friday, April 11, 2008

Outside the Box - a Double Meaning

A friend have mine has recently taken an interest in writing his own songs. He has played the guitar for years, but was never brave enough to open the first line or chord into a song. I am proud that he finally overcome that first word (probably ‘the’, but I’m not certain) because now he is currently on his fifth song.

I was glad to be apart of his journey, because all though I am not critically acclaimed, I have been writing songs with confidence for a while now. And it was nice to think back on how nervous and unsure I was at first.

While helping him through this process I realized something about creativity. This pertains to all creative outlets: writing a speech, drawing a picture, painting a room, anything. To truly be creative is to expose a little piece of your self to others. It is a declarative statement about who you are. I like this color, I like these words together, I like the way that tree looks in the lens. And being creative isn’t hard because you have to think outside the box, it is hard because you have to step outside the box. Deep huh?

I think it takes bravery and I support anyone in any creative venture. And once you have created something (a character, a meatball sculpture, or a poodle sweater vest) it is something you can always take pride in. Because even if it doesn’t win you a grammy, you were still courageous enough to take a stand for the things that you like.

Gotta little motivational-speecher there at the end, my apologies.

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