Thursday, June 12, 2008

South out of Springfield - Explained

Spoiler Alert!

Indeed, a very strange song for me to write. The music lead me on a journey to meet two very distinct characters. The song only but touches on how well the story was established in my head before I wrote the words.

The two characters of this song are an older married couple that have two sons. Both of whom are in war, missing in action. The couple live on a farm in the southeast (somewhere South of Springfield - IN, TN?) and now have to take care of the whole farm without there son's help.

As if that wasn't sad enough, and it is, the husband is practically invisible to the wife. This is because without the kids they have nothing. The song follows them for a day. Early in the morning - later in the evening leaving town - late at night getting ready for bed.

There are some songs of mine that hate to finish. I could have written three more verses and a bridge, but I had to end it.

As with all of my writings, I'm sure there are some deep, tugging subconscious themes and reasons behind this story. But at least on the surface, this is what inspired me to write it.

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